Semi-precious & precious stones breathe life and colour into jewellery

The gemstones used more often in jewellery add personality to the designs
Gemstones are the main stars in the design of many fine jewellery pieces: sapphire, emerald, topaz, lapis lazuli, amethyst, quartz or peridot are only a few examples, but not all of them can be called precious stones. Discover the types of precious stones used in jewellery pieces and let their natural beauty win you over. The metal, the gemstones and the creativity of the master jewellers summon the magic of this exclusive selection of pieces.

What is a gemstone?

When we refer to precious stones, we mean a mineral originated in nature that stands out because of its beauty, hardness and rareness. The quality of their beauty is determined by features such as:
- Lustre
- Vibrant colour
- Purity
- Trasparency
- Clarity
The mineral hardness of a stone is measured using the Mohs scale, with 10 as the maximum value, held only by the diamond. For a precious stone to be used in jewellery designs, it must have mineral hardness above 7.
Besides those three requirements, a precious stone must be polished and cut in order to be included into the most sophisticated jewellery creations. The term ‘cut’ refers to the shape the gemstone has been given, a process that must be done with precision and quality.

Types of gemstones in jewellery

There are as many gemstone classifications as there are experts in jewellery. However, there is one, that most in the trade agree with. We mean, of course, the following list of four precious stones:
- Diamond
- Sapphire
- Ruby
- Esmerald
Our Setenta y Nueve collection combines jewellery savoir-faire with the latest trends and preferences. As a result of this pairing, we obtain exquisite pieces: earrings, rings or bracelets with sapphires, emeralds or diamonds.

What is the difference between a precious, and a semi-precious stone?

A semi-precious stone also originates in nature, like precious ones. After a process of polishing and cutting, gemstones are ready to shape the ideas of our master jewellers, who then create pieces with personality.
The big difference is that semi-precious stones do not fulfil the three exceptional qualities mentioned earlier (beauty, hardness and rareness). This is the reason why, besides diamonds, sapphires, rubies and emeralds, all the other gemstones are considered semi-precious stones. The list has around 130 varieties with which impressive jewellery pieces can be designed.

The most valued semi-precious stones in jewellery

The world of semi-precious stones is as fascinating as it is endless:
- A heterogeneous chromatic palette.
- Multiple cuts.
- Varioussizes.
- Great symbolic meaning
At Relojería Alemana we use amethyst, quartz or peridot to breathe life into Setenta y Nueve rings, earrings and bracelets. Let’s take a look at some semi-precious stones and some of our delightful designs available in our jewellery shops in Mallorca.


Jewellery pieces with amethysts are perfect for a special occasion, since they add an aura of spirituality. Choose a purple semi-precious stone in one of Setenta y Nueve’s pieces for unforgettable occasions.


Topaz is a very valuable semi-precious stone. Even though it has no colour when found in nature, sometimes it acquires several different hues, due to its combination of minerals.

Lapis lazuli

This semi-precious stone is very valued, due to its vibrant blue colour. The deeper the hue, the better the gem’s quality, just like these Italian-made earrings.


Its versatility makes quartz one of the most used semi-precious stones in jewellery. Pieces with quartz endow the wearer with balance and good vibrations.


It stands out because of its olive green hue. The peridot and its ability to activate the heart matches well with the power of amethyst and topaz within Setenta y Nueve’s symphony of semi-precious gemstones in the shape of a rose gold bracelet.
The value of a jewellery piece with precious gemstones comes from the wearer. At Relojería Alemana you can find our exclusive selection of jewellery pieces with precious and semi-precious stones, full of vibrant colours and as powerful as you make them.